Info |
Use [:value:] if the full document name, including extension is in the import file. Or use [:value:].pdf if the extension is missing from the import file and the files always have the same extension. |
What to do when no document is available on the storage location, is configured with the Document Unavailable Action, . The option 'Continue processing the line' allows you to update existing SuperOffice document entities without affecting the file. Marking as failed or skipped will not create or update any document entities in SuperOffice when no file was loaded.
Be careful when using the “Continue processing the line” option. Without a file it’s impossible to create a new document in SuperOffice, so in that case the document entity will fail with the message “A document file is required for this operation but not available”; however other entities on the same line will be processed as usual. So only use this option in case you explicitly want to update existing document entities.
Scroll down to the SuperOffice CRM Online section to set the duplicate match to Number in the Company section. This to avoid that DataBridge creates a new company for each row in the import file.