When using a SuperOffice version equal to or higher than 7.5 and lower than 8.2 R01: Use Services75
- Sign up for a new DataBridge account here:
https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/Registration; - Confirm your email address;
- Setup the connection to your SuperOffice environment. If you are not automatically redirected to the 'Setup Connection' page click on 'Account' and then on 'Connection' or visit the following page directly http://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Manage/Connection and fill out the form:
- Using a version of SuperOffice equal to or higher than 7.5 and lower than 8.2 R01 - NetServer services URL: http://<address>/Remote/Services75/;
- Using a version of SuperOffice equal to or higher than 8.2 R01 and lower than 8.4 R06 - NetServer services URL: http://<address>/Remote/Services84/;
- Using a version of SuperOffice SuperOffice equal to or higher than 8.4 R06 - NetServer services URL: http://<address>/Remote/Services86/;
- Username of a SuperOffice system user;
- Password of the user;
- Clicking save will verify the connection;
- New profiles will now automatically copy these default connection settings.