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An important question for every import is the handling of duplicates. How does DataBridge handle duplicates? 


In the Import Profile, you have the option to select the fields which will be used to deduplicate. The entities you have chosen to link in the Configure Fields page can be used to specify how to handle duplicates. Below you see an example of an import where Project fields are mapped. 

Select which fields should be checked for duplicates and specify what needs to be done when duplicates are found. This can be done in the Destination Settings in the Profile configurator as can be seen below.

Note: We added fall-back duplicate check fields for all entities. If the first check cannot be executed due to an empty field, then the second field is used; more infoImage Removed

Skip if not found: Only update existing entities and not create new ones. This can be achieved with a new setting "Skip if not found" for each duplicate entity group in the Destination Setting page of your Profile. 

Add new companies to selection: Automatically add new companies to a new selection in every import run. The name of the selection is: 'DataBridge [run date of job] new company

Ass updated companies to selection: Automatically add updated companies to a new selection in every import run. The name of the selection is: 'DataBridge [run date of job] updated company

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