In this article, we will show you how to get started in Activity Panels by creating a new panel
How to
- Go to the administrator page for Activity Folders
- Log in with the SuperOffice button
- Click on Create a new Panel
- Choose a name for your panel
- Select a Panel type
- Click Next
This will bring you to the Panel Settings where you can choose how your panel should be displayed.
Panel location: Where is this panel shown in SuperOffice CRM Online
Enable filter row settings: When enabled the filters are shown as a row in the grid. Otherwise, filters are displayed with an icon in each column.
Configuration rights
Owner can configure: When selected only the project owner can edit the folder configuration unless the owner is in a configured user group.
Clear configuration user groups: Select which user groups can clear the folder configuration and delete folders. Leave empty to let all users who can edit the configuration clear it and delete folders.
Folder templates
Available templates: Create and configure your templates to use in your projects, more info
Copy of Documents and Copy of Documents as PDF
Subject postfix: Enter the postfix that you want to use behind your original document name
Open document dialog: Should the document dialog be opened automatically when making a copy?
Customize date: Choose which date the copied document will get. You can choose from Current date and time or Original date and time.
Copy of Documents and Copy of Documents as PDF in SuperOffice
You can create a copy from a document and create a copy as PDF (convert a document on the fly to PDF format). Right mouse click on the document you want to have a copy from and choose your action.
Merge as PDF
NOTE: When you select more than 1 document you can merge the documents to a pdf file with a right-click and select Merge as PDF
- Subject postfix: Enter the postfix that you want to use behind your original document name
- Open document dialog: Should the document dialog be opened automatically when making a copy?
- Customize date: Choose which date the copied document will get. You can choose from Current date and time or Original date and time.
Merge options:
- Name the document
- Set a date other than the current date
- Create a table of content
- Change the order of your documents or remove documents
After you click 'Merge activities' the SuperOffice document dialog will be opened from where you can open and save your new pdf document.