Google Places Search Settings for Danish Virk Register

Google Places Search Settings for Danish Virk Register


When using Google Places to find Danish companies too few VAT numbers are found.

The main issue is that Google returns a slightly different name from what can be found in Virk, the Danish register for all companies in Danmark.


In Google Places you can manage settings for all your users. We have now created a search setting which the Google Places admin can enable, Search Virk.

How to

Follow these steps to enable the Search Virk setting

  1. The Google Places admin logs into https://my-googleplaces.infobridgeuniverse.com 
  2. Go to the Settings (top right corner)
  3. Enable the Search Virk setting

With this setting, you can enable or disable the functionality to search the Danish Register, Virk. 

With the setting turned off Google is used to search, the chance to find the VAT number is slim. 

When the setting is turned on we will only search within Virk. This way a VAT number will always be returned for Danish customers. We will have all information returned like in Google except a phone number.

Note: When using this setting, keep in mind that when searching for a customer in SuperOffice, you will have to provide the complete name. For instance, "SuperOf" will not return anything. Searching for "SuperOffice" will show you the office of SuperOffice in Danmark. Hopefully this will work more easily in the future but for now, this is how the Virk API works.
Note: Phone number, postal address and website is not stored in the register. Only the name, VAT and visit address

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