
In cases where users need to be re-linked in Synchronizer, the calendars need to be cleaned.
why is this? This is because the synchronization history is lost and if you were to start synchronizing without cleaning all appointments, tasks and contacts would duplicate.

There are two methods of cleaning a calendar:

  1. For users that work mainly in the SuperOffice CRM Online calendar, it’s easier to clean the Outlook calendar.
  2. For users that work mainly in the Outlook calendar, it’s better to start the synchronizer and clean up the duplicates afterward in Outlook.

Cleaning calendar in Outlook

Calendar cleanup for users that use SuperOffice CRM Online as the primary calendar system.
Don’t follow these steps if you primarily use Outlook for your appointments or if you have a lot of Outlook Meetings (with invited participants).

Cleaning Tasks in Outlook

Cleaning tasks in Outlook work in the same way as with the calendar. The category to delete is called SuperOffice Task

Cleaning contacts in Outlook

Cleaning contacts is easier, as contacts are synchronized only from SuperOffice to Outlook and not the other way around (One-Way synchronization).