Email the results of an export

Email the results of an export


Next to the options to export to locations such as Dropbox, FTP, OneDrive and Google Drive we have introduced (as of 05-01-2021) a new option.

Now it is possible to email the results from your export.


At the moment of writing this article (January 5, 2021) this option is behind a feature toggle. Please send support a request to turn this option on.

A restriction which is currently in place is that the email should not be send if the resulting file exceeds 10 MB.

How to

Creating a new export is your first step.

  • Name your Export Profile

  • Select SuperOffice CRM as the Location

  • Choose the file of your choice as Destination

  • In the Store Dropdown list select Email

Click Next to start the Export wizard

In the Configure Profile page you can configure the mailing details

  • Mail to: Fill in the email address(es) you want to send the export file to. When using multiple addresses seperate them with a semicolon (;)

  • Subject: Enter the subject of the email

  • Message: Messages which will be entered here will be added to the body of the email. Note: a maximun of 500 characters is allowed.

The following steps in the wizard are the same as a regular export. More information can be found here: Create a new export

After the job is executed the export file is send in an email to the address(es) specified.



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