Finding the unique database ID values for list items


When working with CRM Scripts in combination with SuperOffice triggers it is sometimes required to use the real unique database values instead of using the name. This is important for example when matching a list item like category.

In this how-to article, we are describing the steps to find the unique database value for the list category in SuperOffice, for the category named Customer (Push to ERP) 

Intended Audience

This article is intended for persons who are familiar with SuperOffice CRM, who have some knowledge about scripting and have SuperOffice Admin rights.


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of DataBridge. To sign up, follow this URL:
  2. SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights
  3. The SuperOffice system license for SuperOffice Expander Services *)

*) For DataBridge there is no need for the SuperOffice Expander Services, however, if you need access to SuperOffice CRM Script (for example if you want to trigger on SuperOffice events, the SuperOffice Expander Services license is required). Please contact your SuperOffice partner regarding this license.
To check if you have the SuperOffice Expander Services license

  1. In SuperOffice click in the top right corner the hamburger menu
  2. Select Settings & Maintenance
  3. Click Licenses
  4. Click the tab SUPEROFFICE
  5. Check if you see the SuperOffice Expander Services with a checkmark

Creating the helper script in SuperOffice

  1. In SuperOffice click in the top right corner the hamburger menu
  2. Select Settings & Maintenance
  3. Click CRM Script
  4. Click the tab Macros and scripts
  5. Click New script
  6. Type in the name field: List Company Category ID's
  7. Click on the tab on Script
  8. Click the black area and remove any text
  9. Paste the sample script 'List Company Category ID's' inside the black area, see
  10. Click OK
  11. Click Run script (new window)
  12. A new window will open listing all the items in the SuperOffice category list, including the unique database value, for example: 
    COMPANY CATEGORY ID'S ================ 1 Customer 2 Prospect 3 Supplier 4 Business Partner 5 Lost Customer 6 Competitor 7 Customer (Push to ERP)
    The unique database value for the list item Customer (Push to ERP) is value 7.

Extending the idea

This how-to article describes how to find the unique database ID for the list category, this technique can be used on any list in SuperOffice. Multiple examples are available on


You have learned to find unique database ID values, these values will come in handy when creating trigger-based actions in SuperOffice CRM, for example when direct updates are needed to the back office system when something changes in SuperOffice. See this article

Please note: All scripts in this article are for educational purposes only and can be used in the context of this article, InfoBridge cannot support your custom made SuperOffice CRM scripts. Please contact your local SuperOffice partner to assist you with SuperOffice CRM script.