How to import appointments and tasks

How to import appointments and tasks


In this how-to article, we will describe how to set up DataBridge to import appointments and tasks into SuperOffice.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for persons who are familiar with SuperOffice CRM and have SuperOffice Admin rights.


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of DataBridge, to sign up, follow this URL: https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/SignUp
  2. A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights
  3. An import file containing the appointments or tasks. This file can be stored locally or on a cloud storage provider, like Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or stored on an FTP server.

Import file

With DataBridge it is possible to import appointments or tasks into SuperOffice. When importing appointments with DataBridge make sure that if you map the column IsTask this is set to the value 0
If you import appointment records and map it with value 1 it will consider this to be a task.

Also, note that an appointment needs to have a Start and an End date
When you do not have an end date DataBridge/Netserver will automatically choose the default duration as set in SuperOffice CRM

Set up DataBridge

Log into DataBridge by clicking the red SuperOffice Button. Log in at: https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/Login

  1. Click Create New Profile
  2. In the name field enter: Appointments
  3. Choose in the drop-down 'Location' the location of your import file, e.g.: Upload
  4. Choose in the drop-down 'Destination' SuperOffice CRM
  5. Click Next, the wizard screen is presented with 7 steps
  6. In step 1 (configure profile), click Select files to upload your file
  7. Click Next
  8. In step 2 (configure source), you can set the File Format, choose Advanced Settings to change the Encoding and Preview the import file, see example below
  9. Click Next
  10. In step 3 (transform), transformations on fields can be set up, see transformations, but in this case, we skip this step
  11. Click Next
  12. In step 4 (configure fields) the fields need to be mapped
  13. In step 5 (destination settings), you can choose number and date format. The deduplication options are very important, more info. In the advanced settings, you can choose what to do with new list items and set default settings.
  14. Click Next
  15. In step 6 (profile settings) choose which schedule you want to use.
  16. Step 7 (summary) shows a summary of all the settings in your profile

Extending the idea

This how-to article describes the use of importing appointments into SuperOffice CRM. This description can also be used to import tasks.


You have learned to import appointments (and tasks) into SuperOffice CRM. For your convenience, we have uploaded an example import file with appointments.

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