Overview of available integration systems and features

Overview of available integration systems and features


DataBridge lets you import, export and update standard SuperOffice objects, including companies, contacts, sales, user defined fields, interests, activities and projects.
Schedule tasks to process data automatically.
DataBridge is always connected, it allows you to import and export directly from your favorite cloud storage services or your (S)FTP environment.

From SuperOffice to back-office

Information can be transferred from SuperOffice to an external system. Examples: Single contact or sales when the user clicks a button. Or a complete set of data, Examples: All contact card changes since xxx, all closed sales.

From back-office to SuperOffice

Information should be transferred from an external system to SuperOffice. Example: Single or multiple contacts or sales. Or a complete set of data, invoices, projects, interests, webforms.

Viewing external data in SuperOffice

Information available in an external system should be visible in a web tab in SuperOffice, for example invoice information.

Why  DataBridge

DataBridge for SuperOffice is the most widely used integration platform for connecting enterprise applications on-premises and to the cloud, all without programming!

Highlighted Features

Import and Export

All major SuperOffice entities are supported,
companies, contacts, sales, projects, project
members, activities, interests, stakeholders,
products etc.

Defaults & Transformations

While importing and exporting, default
values can be specified or data can be
transformed to suit your needs (e.g. split,
merge, etc)


Various de-duplication possibilities on
several fields including user defined fields

Field selector

Imports and exports can be easily
configured by typing field names

Scheduled, triggered and event-based

Instant update SuperOffice or external
information when data gets changed or use a
scheduled interval

No Coding!

All can be set up by using intuitive
wizards which guide the complete
integration setup

Cloud & FTP

Data can be read or written to various
cloud storage providers or (secure) FTP

Cross Platform

DataBridge is available for SuperOffice
CRM and SuperOffice Onsite

Important to know

Secure & Privacy

Certified by WatchCom AS. All data and
communication is encrypted, supporting the
SuperOffice GDPR regulations. InfoBridge Trust Center

Microsoft Azure

All InfoBridge cloud apps run on the Microsoft
Azure Platform guaranteeing performance, data
security and uptime.

Unlimited Trials

Trial time is unlimited and fully functional. Import
and exporting is limited to 25 records in trial mode.

We have you covered

Our extensive knowledge base holds various
detailed articles on how to use DataBridge to
set up integrations, our support team is only a
phone call away

DataBridge The Holy Grail?

Not for all cases

Direct Reading

DataBridge can’t read directly from a
back-office system

Complex Calculation

DataBridge can’t do complex
calculations to fields

Direct Writing

DataBridge can’t write directly to a
back-office system

User Defined Tables

DataBridge can’t write data to SuperOffice user
defined tables since this is not yet supported in
SuperOffice CRM

DataBridge The Holy Grail?

For most cases


DataBridge can process external
data files to update SuperOffice

Transforming Data

Data can be manipulated so it can be processed
by DataBridge or back-office systems


DataBridge can write files which can be
handled by almost all back-office systems


Reading and writing data can be fully
automated through schedules or triggers

Let’s Recap


Import and export data from all SuperOffice entities


Create multiple schedules to import or export data or use
the trigger, event system to execute actions on the fly

100% Cloud

Nothing to install and data transfer can be arranged
through cloud storage provides


Extract data automatically from SuperOffice CRM to feed any back-office application


Integrate back-office data directly in SuperOffice CRM

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