How to change the Subject Line of the Appointment

How to change the Subject Line of the Appointment


It's possible to change the subject line of an appointment. Follow this article to find out how.

How to change the subject line for all users in the profile

  1. Log into Synchronizer as admin.
  2. Click Manage Profile > Customize Systems > Show Settings (For SuperOffice CRM) > Subject
  3. Choose the subject buildup of your choice and the preferred language in case of using multilingual list items.

  4. Save

Note: Users with individual settings will not be affected. Unless you set the slider Don't Overwrite User Settings to Overwrite User Settings

How to change the subject line as a user

  1. Log in to the customer portal by going to Synchronizer
  2. Click the green Login With SuperOffice button and fill in your SuperOffice credentials to log in.

  3. In the customer portal overview click on Edit preferences to go to your preferences and make changes where needed.
  4. If you want to change the subject line of an appointment, check the User Preference section and choose the subject buildup of your choice in the Subject section and the preferred language in case of using multilingual list items.
  5. Save