How to use SuperOffice for Webex


With the SuperOffice for Webex app, SuperOffice events will be visible as a message in the configured Webex spaces. You can choose different Webex channels for different events.

How to

The administrator of the SuperOffice Webex App can configure the events that will show up in the Webex spaces.

The events supported by the SuperOffice for Webex are:

  • When a new company is created in SuperOffice

  • When a new project is created in SuperOffice

  • When a new sale is created in SuperOffice

  • When a sale turns to sold in SuperOffice

  • When a sale turns to lost in SuperOffice

  • When a new service ticket is created in SuperOffice

In Webex you have to be added as a member in the Webex space which is selected to receive the event notifications.

Now you will receive a message in Webex when one of the events mentioned above is created in SuperOffice.