Each linked user in the Synchronizer can change the Synchronizer preferences to their liking.
Synchronizer SuperOffice reminders / Default: Yes
- This option determines if the SuperOffice reminder (also known as Alarm) must also be synchronized to the external system
Use personal phone numbers as primary / Default: Yes
- This option uses the personal phone number as a primary phone number instead of the company phone number
Synchronizer contact birthdays / Default: Yes
- This option will sync the birthday field for the Exchange / Outlook or Google Contact person (if they are filled in on their Contact card)
Add participant details in text / Default: Yes
- This option adds the participants to the appointment or task description field in the external system
Link person by e-mail in text / Default: No
User Preferences calendar system (Exchange, Google (Gmail/ G Suite) or Microsoft 365).
In this part, you can manage the connection towards your calendar system
- Exchange: Fill in your username for your calendar system here. In some cases (like with hosted Exchange) this can be your email address.
- Microsoft 365: Click the connect button
- Google: Click the connect button
Synchronization direction
- Defaults to Two-way synchronization between SuperOffice CRM Online and Office Microsoft 365, but you can change to One-way synchronization or No synchronization at all.