In this article, we describe the steps to configure DataBridge to start using the eMarketeer Connector to update eMarketeer and SuperOffice user consent.
To exchange consent between eMarketeer and SuperOffice with DataBridge is quite simple but needs some steps to follow. Once set up, consent is exchanged automatically in the background between eMarketeer and SuperOffice.
For this total sync process, 4 2 profiles need to be created in DataBridge, 2 one for importing data in SuperOffice from eMarketeer and 2 one for importing data in eMarketeer from SuperOffice.
This article describes the creation of 2 profiles (almost the same) to import data in SuperOffice from eMarketeer.
Intended Audience
This article is intended for persons who are the administrators for DataBridge.
Configure the eMarketeer Consent Connector
- Log in to the customer portal as an admin. more info
- Create a new profile, give the profile a name e.g. ImportToSO_MarketingSendouts, and in the location field chose eMarketeerConsent. The destination field will be filled automatically with your SuperOffice system.
When done click the NEXT button and you will be guided to the Configure Profile page. - Configure Profile
On this page, you can connect your SuperOffice instance and insert your eMarketeer API key. Read Requirements and checklist for eMarketeer Connector for SuperOffice to get the API key from eMarketeer.
The inserted API Key is now specific to the eMarketeer consent API (see step 2) and cannot be shared with any other entities or connectors of eMarketeer.
When done click the NEXT button and you will be guided to the Configure Source page. Configure Source
There are two consent purposes defined in eMarketeer "Store and process" and "Marketing sendouts"
Both Consent purposes need to be synced between SuperOffice and eMarketeer. But, both purposes can’t be synced within one Databridge profile, separate profiles are needed for each Consent purpose.
Select Consent purpose "Marketing sendouts" (ImportToSO_MarketingSendouts)Info title Consent purpose "Store and process" This option Consent Before configuring the import of consent purpose "Store and process"
is already available but is not correctly working yet!
After finishing this profile a second profile can be made for the other Consent purpose "Store and process" (Profile name e.g. ImportToSO_StoreAndProcess).
The Consent properties are exactly the same across both purposes and the fields can be selected from the “Fields” input field.please read this information: Set up Store and Process consent.
The next option is to say whether if the import needs to support an Incremental export "Only retrieve new and changed consent" in order to fetch the periodical data from eMarketeer.
When this option is enabled, only export the import is done for the data that was created or modified after the last export import from eMarketeer. When it is the very first export import it will always include all data.
Even if this option is not enabled, the DateTime will be tracked for every run. Resulting in that when a user enables "Incremental exportenables "Only retrieve new and changed consent" at some time, the last run’s DateTime will be used to fetch the changes since that time.
One-Time Consent Settings can be set up for this profile.
When “Include only withdrawn consents” is enabled, the export from eMarketeer will have only revoked consents (i.e. withdrawn consents). All other non-revoked consents will be skipped in the result.
This is called a One-Time setting as the value of these settings will reset back to its default value after the first run of its change, i.e. when user enable this setting it will last long till the profile runs next time, because at the end of its run this setting will be set back to its default value. The intended purpose of this setting is to use only at the profile’s initial run however, it is not restricted to enable it back after a few runs.
Click NEXT to go to the next screen called "TRANSFORM- Transform
No transformations have been added so far, resulting you can proceed to the next page.
Click NEXT to go to the next screen called "CONFIGURE FIELDS" - Configure Fields
As mentioned in "step 4 Configure Source" you have to create 2 profiles for the Consent purposes "Marketing sendouts" and "Store and process".
For "Marketing sendouts" set the mapping Has consent to Person: E-marketing and map Email to Person: E-mail
For "Store and process" set the mapping Has consent to Person: Sales and Service and map Email to Set the mapping
Legal Base => Person: Legal Base - E-marketing
Source => Person: Source - E-marketing
Has consent => Person: E-marketing
Email => Person: E-mail
In both cases, the
The value in Has consent (True or False) adds the values LegalBase = “Legitimate Interest” and Source = “Import” automatically to SuperOffice and if it is false, the LegalBase=”Withdrawn” and Source=”Import” are set to this consent.)
Click NEXT to go to the next screen called "DESTINATION SETTINGS" - Destination Settings
The destination settings are mentioned for the SuperOffice side of view and several settings are mandatory to have consents updated seamlessly. Deduplication settings for Person need the configuration as shown in the figure below. The connection between eMarketeer and SuperOffice is through emails, so it is obvious that duplication can be found only with E-Mail address and should be chosen. Also, from eMarketeer no new person will be imported and it always overwrites the existing consent value and so “Replace-Overwrite existing fields“ should be chosen as Action.
Separate property for “Sales and Service” purpose of consent has been created and we are setting default values to LegalBase and Source during the eMarketeer consent import. Apart from that, there is an option to select these in the Destination Settings of SuperOffice (as shown below). But this will not affect this import (from eMarketeer to SuperOffice) as those settings are for while creating a new person which will not happen here at all.
(However, this property makes a difference for profiles other than eMarketeer wherever new person imports are supported. If it is mapped to an equivalent exported column from any other source (e.g. file, Visma etc…) in “Configure Fields” then the value assigned to it takes precedence over the destination consent settings and default values will be set based on its status. So, it is good to think before mapping this column in other profiles.)
Click NEXT to go to the next screen called "PROFILE SETTINGS" - Profile Settings
The profile can run either of all three options available, manually, scheduled, or triggered. But mainly, this connector will use the scheduled method that follows the below pattern.
Initial Import: This is an initial run that will fetch only all the withdrawn consents from eMarketeer to SuperOffice. To fetch either subscribed or withdrawn consents is setup through toggle option - “Include only withdrawn consents” under the onetime setting section of the “Configure Source” page in step 4. Once the initial run is over, it will reset back to the default value which means the further run will export all records without any restriction.
Ongoing Update: Get all changed consents of persons in eMarketeer since the last run.
Chose Scheduled: run every 1 hour. In order to achieve this, it is essential to enable “Incremental Export” in the“Configure Source” page in step 4. By this, the DateTime of the export run is stored and supplied to the next export run to fetch the changes since then only instead of all the records.
You should now have two profiles a profile ready called ImportToSO_MarketingSendouts
You can also download the profile here:
How to import? See this article: Export and ImportToSO_StoreAndProcessimport a profile
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