Version History
This page contains the version history of the Visma 360 App
Release 1.21 (06-04-2020)
- Ensured compliance with API mandatory paging parameters
- Updated compatibility for 8.19 API
Release 1.20 (20-12-2019)
New features
- Added multi-branch support for scan service
Bug fixes
- [iOS] Fixed alert message disappearing too quickly
- Reduced scanned documents image size to improve loading time in
- Locked app in portrait mode to avoid bad rendering of scan component
- Updated compatibility for 8.18 API
Release 1.19 (17-10-2019)
New features
- To give a better user experience customers/vendors will be loaded when using the businesses option
- Searching speed has been improved
- Font and screen components while viewing the screens in the app has been optimised
Bug fixes
- Fixed infinite refreshing of business general tab
- Fixed error when moving back to list before item has finished refreshin
- Various stability and performance improvements
- Improved loading time of businesses search page
- Tested against iOS 13.x
- Tested against version 8.16
- Tested against latest Android security release
- [Android] Upgraded target to Android 9 (API level 28)
- [iOS] Fixed incorrect display when phone is in dark mode
Public Release 1.18 (10-09-2019) 🎉
- Various stability and performance improvements
Beta Release 1.17 (16-08-2019)
New features
- Complete new caching functionality has been implemented, which greatly increase the performance of the app
- The user is informed when scans are being sent
- Various new dialogs are added to inform the user when time consuming tasks are started
Bug fixes
- Balance information displayed was in some cases 0 when the unique ID contained spaces
- If a customer or supplier has the same number, always the customer was selected
- A search action could be started multiple times, resulting in continues searching
- When the app is creating time cards, the user is informed with a waiting dialog
When the app is creating time cards, the user is informed with a waiting dialog =>
The user can abort the creation of time cards (Note: time cards that were created before clicking Cancel are not deleted, clicking Cancel just prevents the creation of the remaining time cards)
- When a project does not contain any project tasks, the user is informed with a clear message
- The sender address when using the scan functionality is changed to
- Better wording is used for Customers and Suppliers and filter type, across all languages
- The word Balance in Dutch is converted to Saldo
Beta Release 1.16 (31-07-2019)
New features
- The list of (own) companies is sorted alphabetically.
- When a search result is empty the user is clearly informed
- The first time when the app is started the user can select which (own) company should be used, only visible if more than one (own) companies are defined in Financial
- When linked items, for example contact persons are not found a clear message for the user is visible
- While searching for projects, all the projects are displayed for quick selecting without searching
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue refreshing the week view of registered hours when navigating quickly through the weeks
- When switching from (own) companies without a valid license will display a user friendly message instead of the API error
- The complete internal searching mechanism when searching businesses, persons and projects has been improved
- The option displaying the most recently used items like business, contacts and projects has been improved
- The readability for amounts with comma and periods has been improved for all languages
- When saving the settings, the app navigates back to the main menu to indicate that the settings have been saved
- The hour interval when using the time indicator slider uses smaller increments
- The screen to register hours loads much faster than before
- Various internal fixes and other performance improvements