Create an Activity Folders account from the SuperOffice App Store


An account for the InfoBridge applications for SuperOffice CRM can be created from the product website or directly from the SuperOffice App Store

How to

Go to

Click on the Sign up button and the registration form will be started.

On the registration form make sure you set the correct TimeZone and approve with the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy

Press the ‘Continue' button to login with your SuperOffice CRM credentials to create an Activity Folders Account.
Only once you need to approve Activity Folders by pressing the ‘I Approve’ button which will be visible after login into the SuperOffice CRM environment.
You will return to this Activity Folders site and you can start creating new Activity Panels


A subscription can be created directly with InfoBridge, or the subscription can be added by your SuperOffice Sales responsible. If the latter is the case your license will be automatically added to Activity Folders. You do not have to do anything in the subscription page. Everything, including invoicing, is handled by SuperOffice.