Version history SuperOffice for Webex
This page contains the version history of the SuperOffice for Webex app
Release 9-10 (31-01-2025)
Internal improvements and maintenance.
Release 8 (23-05-2023)
Internal improvements and maintenance.
Release 7 (30-09-2022)
The field type of the minimum sale price is adjusted, in order to enforce the right value.
Bug fixes
Deleted sale types are no longer shown if there are no channels configured.
Release 6 (12-08-2022)
New features
Ability to select channels and filters for events per sale type, available in advanced mode.
Release 5 (20-05-2022)
Added insights for an extra layer of security.
Release 4 (14-03-2022)
Improved the reset settings page.
Improved the handling of retrieval for Webex spaces.
Changed the Webex card image to the person image of the associate for certain SuperOffice events.
A fallback message containing information about the SuperOffice event is now being provided in case the Webex card can’t be shown in a Webex space.
Technical migrations for the internal framework.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where the Webex card image was not shown correctly.
Fixed an issue where the information about the event was not shown correctly in case multi-language was configured in the SuperOffice settings.
Release 3 (14-02-2022)
New features
Added the ability for the user to reset the settings.
Added advanced settings that make it possible to filter on sale probability and sale amount for created and edited sales.
User is now being redirected to the settings page after first registration, to improve flow.
Added more details to the Get Started section on how to install the app.
More detailed logging and insights into customer settings.
Release 2 (21-12-2021)
New features
Support for notifications for the creation of service tickets.
Small changes in privacy policy
Release 0 (00-00-0000)
New features
Initial Release