Version history SuperOffice for Wordpress
This page contains the version history of the SuperOffice for Wordpress app
Release 9-10 (31-01-2025)
Internal improvements and maintenance.
Release 8 (23-05-2023)
Internal improvements and maintenance.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue where the wrong user group was set for the published web panel when the user settings were saved.
Release 5 (20-05-2022)
Added insights for an extra layer of security.
Release 4 (14-03-2022)
Improved the reset settings page.
Technical migrations for the internal framework.
Release 3 (14-02-2022)
New features
Added the ability for the user to reset the settings.
User is now being redirected to the settings page after first registration, to improve flow.
Show the amount of contacts that are able to transfer in the panel dialog.
Improved the setting page.
More detailed logging and insights into customer settings.
Release 2 (21-12-2021)
New features
Published Wordpress plugin that fetches custom roles from Wordpress.
A background process is now taking care of the transferring of data.
Support all types of selections that have a contact shadow selection.
Improved the font in the panel dropdown to be the same as SuperOffice.
Improved default configuration.
Improved message when transferring an user with existing email.
Small changes in privacy policy.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where the app was not working in Safari.
Release 0 (00-00-0000)
New features
Initial Release