Use case - Importing documents into SuperOffice

Use case - Importing documents into SuperOffice


In this use case article, we are describing how to import documents into SuperOffice using DataBridge. 

For this How-to article we have used an import file containing the entities company, person and documents. The example file can be downloaded from this article.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for persons who are the administrators for DataBridge


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of DataBridge. To sign-up, follow this URL: https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/SignUp
  2. A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights
  3. An FTP storage provider. FTP is currently the only supported setup
    1. This is a regular import file with data regarding one or more SuperOffice entities on each line.
    2. Each ‘line’ in this import file can have 1 accompanying physical document when document fields are configured.
    3. The physical documents need to be available on the same FTP connection as used for the main import file, subdirectories can be used, however.
    4. Physical documents are limited to a size of 10MB each, the same file types as SuperOffice are supported.
    5. Also consider your available storage space when using SuperOffice Online as this differs per price plan.
    6. The speed of document import is mostly impacted by the FTP server and the SuperOffice connection.
    7. Currently only 1 column of the main import file can be assigned for the path of the physical document, this can be a relative path, only the file name or any other identification value.

NOTE: While this feature is still in preview it needs to be enabled for you or your customer, please contact InfoBridge support to enable it.

Configure DataBridge

  1. Login into SuperOffice CRM Online
  2. Click Create New Profile
  3. In the name field enter a name, in this example: Import Documents
  4. Choose in the drop down 'Location' FTP
  5. Choose in the drop down 'Destination' SuperOffice CRM
  6. Click Next, the wizard screen is presented
  7. In step 1 (configure profile), fill in the FTP configuration and authorization settings
  8. Click Next
  9. In step 2 (configure source), you can, depending on your import file, set Format Settings and choose Advanced Settings and Preview the import file, see example below 

  10. Click Next
  11. In step 3 (transform), transformations on fields can be set up, see transformations, but in this case, we skip this step
  12. Click Next
  13. In step 4 (configure fields) the fields need to be mapped. In the ‘Configure fields’ wizard step you can map document entity fields just like any other SuperOffice entity.
    Note: Always consider mapping to a proper ‘Document template’ for proper ordering in SuperOffice.
  14. Click Next
  15. In step 5 (destination settings), when document fields are configured, you will see a Document Import section added. Here you can configure which file should be copied from your storage location to SuperOffice in regards to the document entity being processed.

    Field, select the column from your import file that contains the file path or unique value that’s part of the file path. Currently the file extension must be included with this field when you have mixed file types.
    File path format, leave this field empty if the selected field in the import file already contains the full file path. Or use the following format to create the proper file path: '/documents/[:value:].pdf', '[:value:]' is replaced by the value of the selected field. So when the current processing line has the value ‘20190001A’ in the selected field we try to load the file '/documents/20190001A.pdf' from your storage location.
    The file path format is case sensitive!
    Document unavailable action, what to do when no document is available on the storage location. The option 'Continue processing the line' allows you to update existing SuperOffice document entities without affecting the file. Marking as failed or skipped will not create or update any document entities in SuperOffice when no file was loaded.

    Be careful when using the “Continue processing the line” option! Without a file it’s impossible to create a new document in SuperOffice, so in that case the document entity will fail with the message “A document file is required for this operation but not available”; however other entities on the same line will be processed as usual. So only use this option in case you explicitly want to update existing document entities.

    Please consider: just like with the other entity types you can configure duplication handling and default list values, when dealing with documents it’s even more important to make sure these settings are correct.

    Other settings to configure in the Destination Settings are: number and date format. The deduplication optionsare very important, more info. In the advanced settings you can choose what to do with new list items and set default settings (e.g.: Set a default Company 'our contact')
  16. Click Next
  17. In step 6 (profile settings) choose which schedule you want to use. Manual, Scheduled or Triggered
  18. Step 7 (summary) shows a summary of all the settings in your profile


After running the import job the result will be that the documents are imported in your SuperOffice CRM


You have learned to import documents into SuperOffice with DataBridge. If you need more information you can also take a look at this article about importing documents

Import file used in this how-to article:

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