Manage an existing panel

Manage an existing panel


This article describes how you can manage your Panels.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for persons who are administrator for Panels.


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of Panels. To sign up, follow this URL: https://my-panels.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/SignUp.
  2. A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights.
  3. One or more panels need to be available.

How to manage a panel

  1. Log into Panels
  2. In the Panel overview select the panel you want to manage
  3. Click on the Manage Panel button
  4. The Panel settings will open. Depending on the type of panel you can now change the different settings
  5. Save when ready
  6. SuperOffice needs to be refreshed to reflect the changes you have made. Click on the SuperOffice flush URL 

Note: In the Panel overview you can also click the green Refresh SuperOffice button to refresh SuperOffice and immediately see that the unpublished panel is now removed from SuperOffice CRM