Create a Mailing Panel in SuperOffice CRM
Create a Mailing Panel in SuperOffice CRM
In this how-to article, we describe how to create a mailing panel in SuperOffice CRM.
Intended Audience
This article is intended for persons who are administrator for Panels.
The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.
- A (demo) subscription of Panels. To sign up, follow this URL: https://my-panels.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/SignUp.
- A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights.
Configure Panels
- Log into Panels.
- In the Panel overview click Create a new panel.
- Choose a name for your panel. It is used to determine the panels later. This is handy when you create more than one panel.
- Select the panel type, in this example, we choose the Mailing panel.
- Click Next.
- You can now set some general panel settings.
- Panel location: The location where this panel is shown in SuperOffice CRM. Contact archive, Project archive or Person archive.
- Enable filter row: If enabled the filters are shown as a row in the grid. Otherwise, filters are displayed with an icon in each column.
- Click Next.
- A summary of your settings is shown. Go Back if you would like to make changes.
- Click Save and Publish to save your new panel.
- Your panel has now been saved and published. Click the green Refresh SuperOffice button to refresh SuperOffice and immediately see the changes.
Extending the idea
This article describes how to create a mailing panel in SuperOffice CRM. With Panels, you can also create many other panels. See the Quick-start-guide for SuperOffice admins for more information on these other panels.
You have learned to create a mailing panel in SuperOffice CRM
, multiple selections available,
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