Could not refresh the access token for OneDrive / Sharepoint

On September 15, 2022 we will release a new DataBridge version where all current OneDrive authorisations will be invalid immediately after the release. All DataBridge profiles that use OneDrive will fail from that moment and administrators will need to re-connect their OneDrive account. Follow the steps in this article to re-connect.

If a job fails with the message “Could not refresh the access token for OneDrive / Sharepoint. You need to give or renew your consent to grant DataBridge access to your OneDrive / Sharepoint account.“ then the OneDrive or SharePoint access is revoked for a reason.

> 00:00:07.4178267: Storing your export file named '[your_file_name_and_extension]' in OneDrive / Sharepoint. > 00:00:07.6433919: Changing job status to 'Failure'. An error has occurred during the process, please verify your profile configuration and try again. Could not refresh the access token for OneDrive / Sharepoint. You need to give or renew your consent to grant DataBridge access to your OneDrive / Sharepoint account. To do so, open the profile in DataBridge and try to log in to OneDrive / Sharepoint again.

How to resolve the issue

In such a case you need to edit every profile that use the OneDrive or SharePoint as input or destination.

  1. Open the details of a profile and make sure the tab ‘Configure Profile’ is shown.

  2. The OneDrive/Sharepoint details will still show ‘Connected’ and show the user name that is used to connect.

  3. Click the ‘Connected’ button. You’ll be presented with a ‘Permissions requested’ dialog to accept that DataBridge will have access to your OneDrive or Sharepoint environment for the listed actions. This dialog will be presented to you in the language of your browser.

  4. Click ‘Accept’ to give DataBridge consent.

  5. Repeat 1-4 for all DataBridge Profiles that use OneDrive or SharePoint.

Please note that failed jobs that run on a schedule or triggered, will run again only when the new scheduled time is reached or a new trigger is fired. For manual jobs goes that you will need to start the job manually again.