Reauthenticate the Visma.NET Financials invoice panel

Reauthenticate the Visma.NET Financials invoice panel

On June 7, 2023 we release a new version of the Visma.NET Financials invoice panel with improved security. For this improved way of authentication the SuperUser needs to reauthenticate to Visma.NET after the release.

How do you know that you need to reauthenticate?

Users will be presented with this error message in the company invoices panel in SuperOffice: “Error calling Visma.net endpoint (https://integration.visma.net/API/controller/api/v1/customer/SUPEROFF/document?pageNumber=1&pageSize=100) Invalid parameter exception: ipp-company-id (12002_12002_62a5962f-8bdc-4c76-8127-001a35471d6d)“.

How to reauthenticate?

The new Visma authentication for applications like Panels for SuperOffice is based on a new role called ‘API User’. In this article we’ll show you how to add that role to a new user. However you can also edit an existing user to allow that role. What you choose depends on your security principals.

  1. Log on to Visma.net Admin and go to Users and Roles.

  2. Select an existing user or add a new user and provide that user with the role ‘API User’ for the companies that Panels for SuperOffice needs access to. Note that you need to add the role for each company that you would like to give Panels for SuperOffice access to.


  3. Save the details for that user.

  4. If you have created a new user: follow the steps as indicated by Visma.net to activate the new user.
    If you have opted to add the role to an existing user, make sure you have the credentials to proceed with the following steps.

  5. Log on to Panels for SuperOffice and select the Visma.net Financials Invoice Panel by clicking Manage Panel.

  6. In the section Authorization click the Connected button. This will open up the Visma.net Login page.

  7. Log on with the user that you have given the Visma role ‘API User' in the step 2-4.
    If you are still logged in with any other user that does not have the ‘API User’ role, an error message will be shown in the Visma.net authentication screen. In that case open up Panels for SuperOffice in an incognito browser session or log out of Visma.net for the current user. You may do this from the error message that is shown.

  8. Select the company that you want to show the invoices from in SuperOffice. A consent dialog will be shown next.

  9. Accept the consent. You will be redirected to the Panels for SuperOffice screen.

  10. You are now reauthenticated. The panel now shows the invoice again in the SuperOffice company card archive.


Do you show invoices from more than one company?

The new Visma authentication needs you to authenticate per Visma company. This means that you need to repeat the steps 5-10 from the section above for each panel.

Due to an issue with Visma’s new authentication method, you need to repeat the steps 5-10 for each panel in a fresh incognito browser.


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