(Re)activate synchronization for Microsoft 365
When you are added to the Synchronizer or when your Microsoft 365 password is changed, you will receive an email to (re)activate the SuperOffice Calendar Synchronization.
Also a banner is displayed in SuperOffice, informing to (re)activate SuperOffice Calendar Synchronization.
This article explains multiple ways to (re)activate SuperOffice Calendar Synchronization.
Click the button in the email
Click on the Let's get started button in the email, click the Sign in with Microsoft button and fill in your Microsoft 365 credentials.
After signing in, you will see a confirmation, that the SuperOffice Calendar Synchronization is activated.
Click on the link in the banner showed in SuperOffice
Click on Click here in the warning banner that will be shown in SuperOffice when you have to (re)activate the SuperOffice Calendar Synchronization.
The banner will not be shown when Synchronizer for SuperOffice is used with SuperOffice Onsite
Use the Synchronizer Portal
Login to the customer portal by going to Synchronizer.
Click the Sign in with SuperOffice button and fill in your SuperOffice credentials to log in.
Click the Sign in with Microsoft button and fill in your Microsoft 365 credentials.