Differences between SuperOffice Agenda and calendar item notes

Differences between SuperOffice Agenda and calendar item notes

This page is relevant only if the new SuperOffice appointment dialog is enabled.

Both the SuperOffice Agenda field and our supported external calendar items can contain text with formatting, tables, images and much more. However, some of the elements are treated or interpreted different between two platforms. This document explains what is supported and how to prevent the loss of data.

Let’s start by explaining how Synchronizer works. Synchronizer syncs your SuperOffice calendar to Outlook or Google Calendar. Synchronizer will only sync a calendar item if a change was done to one of the items. The item that has been updated is leading and its data is synced to the corresponding item in the ‘other platform’. All according to the rules of synchronization that are in place by Synchronizer.


In the example a formatted text with links, bold text and a numbered list is created in a SuperOffice appointment. Once Synchronizer has detected that new appointment, it will sync it to the Outlook calendar. The formatting and all elements are kept in this example. However, not all formatted elements (HTML elements) are supported in both systems. In such cases, elements might be formatted slightly different or even removed from the notes.

Outlook Appointments

The most important elements that are kept between two corresponding appointments are:

  • Text in bold, italic, underlined, emphasized, superscript, subscript, strike through and headers

  • Fonts (if supported by both platforms)

  • Link

  • Bullet list, numbered list

  • Table, including header

Not supported and removed during synchronization are:

  • Images

  • Documents (except for a link to a document)

  • Video’s (like Youtube and Vimeo)

Outlook Tasks

The most important elements that are kept between two corresponding appointments are:

  • Text in bold, italic, underlined, emphasized, superscript, subscript, strike through and headers

  • Fonts (if supported by both platforms)

  • Link

  • Bullet list, numbered list

Not supported and removed during synchronization are:

  • Images

  • Documents (except for a link to a document)

  • Video’s (like Youtube and Vimeo)

Google Appointments

The most important elements that are kept between two corresponding appointments are:

  • Text in bold, italic, underlined, emphasized, superscript, subscript, strike through and headers

  • Fonts (if supported by both platforms)

  • Link

  • Bullet list, numbered list

  • Table, including header (with slightly different styling)

Not supported and removed during synchronization are:

  • Text with a color

  • Images

  • Documents (except for a link to a document)

  • Video’s (like Youtube and Vimeo)

Google Tasks

Google Tasks does not support formatted text. All content from SuperOffice Tasks will be converted to plain text.

Third party calendar apps

Some calendar apps do not support the formatted text that SuperOffice, Google or Outlook support. They only support plain text. In such cases, editing the appointment or task in such a third party app will cause that the plain text edition is kept and synced back from the third party app to -for instance- Outlook. Outlook will not show the formatted text any longer but the plain text notes. Then also Synchronizer will detect a change to the Outlook item and sync that back to SuperOffice. The result is that the plain text version of the notes is now in all items; the formatted text is gone. This scenario can result in loss of data.

Example of how formatted text is presented in a third party calendar app, like iOS Calendar


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