How to import Service Tickets

How to import Service Tickets


In this how-to article, we will describe the steps to set up DataBridge to import Service Tickets into SuperOffice. This to import new Service tickets or update existing Service Tickets in Superoffice.

This article will describe how to import all the fields and user-defined fields.

Intended Audience

This article is intended for persons who are familiar with SuperOffice CRM and have SuperOffice Admin rights.


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of DataBridge, to sign up, follow this URL: https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/SignUp
  2. A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights
  3. A cloud storage provider, like Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or an FTP server for storing the import file. You can also use a locally stored file.

Set up DataBridge

  1. Log into DataBridge by clicking the red SuperOffice Button. Log in at: https://my-databridge.infobridgeuniverse.com/Account/Login
  2. Click Create New Profile
  3. In the name field enter your Profile name, e.g. Ticket Import
  4. Choose the location of your import file from the drop-down 'Location' In the example below we have used "Manually upload"
  5. Choose in the drop-down 'Destination' SuperOffice CRM
  6. Click Next, the wizard screen is presented with seven steps

    In step 1 (configure profile), click Select Files to upload your import file
    Click Next
  7. In step 2 (configure source) you can be depending on your import file, set format settings and choose Advanced Settings and Preview the import file, see example below 

    Click Next
  8. In step 3 (transform), transformations on fields can be set up, see transformations,
    In this case, we have set up a transformation for the Contact field containing a user's full name to split into two separate columns containing First Name and Last Name.

    Click Next
  9. In step 4 (configure fields) the fields need to be mapped.

    Note: To import data in SuperOffice with DataBridge is quite simple, but you need to have at least some information about the data you want to import.
    To help you gather all this important information and tackle some import related questions upfront we have developed an Import Worksheet. In this worksheet, you will find detailed information on all SuperOffice entities, like company card, person card, sales, project etc. 

  10. In step 5 (destination settings), you can choose number and date format. The deduplication options are very important, more info.
    In the advanced settings you can choose what to do with new list items and set default settings (e.g.: Set a default Company 'our contact')
    Notify that for the entity REQUEST SETTINGS (you may find it below PERSON in the screenshot) you have the option to choose ID or Title.
    The ID can be used to update already available ticketnumbers in SuperOffice. When importing new tickets the ID will be assigned by SuperOffice and you have to choose Title instead.

    Click Next
  11. In step 6 (profile settings) choose which schedule you want to use. Manual, Scheduled or Triggered
  12. Step 7 (summary) shows a summary of all the settings in your profile

Extending the idea

This how-to article described the use of importing Service Tickets in SuperOffice however, this idea can be used on the various entities in SuperOffice like companies, contact persons, activities, projects, sales and quotes


You have learned to import Service Tickets in SuperOffice.

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