How to use email attachments as source file

How to use email attachments as source file


Source files can now be sent by email to an Outlook, Microsoft 365 and IMAP inbox. DataBridge can be setup to be able to import these files.

How to

Start by creating a new import profile

As a location choose Email (Microsoft 365), the destination is SuperOffice CRM
Note: Next to Microsoft 365 accounts a free outlook.com account can also be used and so are IMAP enabled inboxes.

As from Release 112 (30-04-2021) source files can now be sent by email to any IMAP-enabled inbox. Available in preview for selected customers.


IMAP settings (hostname, port, requires SSL) can easily be found online for popular email providers. For private email servers, like Microsoft Exchange Server, the sysadmin should be able to provide these settings.

IMAP must be enabled. Depending on the email provider, it may or may not be enabled by default.

Gmail has extra layers of security.
An App password needs to be used, but therefore your account must first be set up to use 2 factor authentication: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185839?hl=en&ref_topic=7189195
Once this is set up, an App Password can be created: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833 This password should then be entered into the password field when setting up the profile in DataBridge.

Gmail might still block the connection in spite of this setting being enabled, and require the following extra step from users: https://accounts.google.com/b/0/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
In any case, check the troobleshooting guide: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229?hl=en-GB#zippy=%2Ci-cant-sign-in-to-my-email-client

Known issues

Special characters & and ! are not properly supported by Gmail in the email subject and their use should be avoided. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9589583/imap-search-header-command-failing-when-search-text-contains-exclamation-mark

In the Configure Profile page of the configuration wizard you need to connect to your Microsoft 365 account and authorize DataBridge to access your inbox.

Click Connect, login with your Microsoft 365 account and allow the permissions.

In the Data Location section you need to fill out the Subject of your email and the attachment name. This way DataBridge can retrieve the file.
Note: Wildcards can also be used in the attachement name. (Single characters ‘?' and multiple characters '*’

In case the file cannot be found you will see this message when you want to continue to the next page in the configuration

When the connection and authorization are succesfull and when the subject and attachment name are filled out correct you can continue with the configuration wizard.


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