Specifications of the Import fields in DataBridge

Specifications of the Import fields in DataBridge


Follow this article if you would like to find out what all specifications & constraints are when configuring an import with DataBridge.

For an overview of the DataBridge Import see this movie:

This article is under construction and is updated often.


Use these guidelines for specifying your import data. Make sure that the input is as clean as possible, preventing the "garbage in, garbage out" rule.


To help you gather all the important information beforehand and tackle some import related questions upfront we have developed an Import Worksheet. In this worksheet, you will find detailed information on all SuperOffice entities, like company card, person card, sales, project etc. 

We have also created a set of import example files per SuperOffice entity. You can download these files as a starting point to examine the data and format you can use. 

The Import Worksheet and the import examples can be found in this article


Interests are selectable when defining the fields within DataBridge. The actual names are retrieved from your SuperOffice environment, so there is no doubt when selecting them from Companies/Persons in the "Configure Fields" step.

Use these values to switch them either on or off.

Accepted values for enabling:

  • 1
  • yes
  • ja
  • true
  • x

Values for disabling:

  • 0
  • no
  • nee
  • false
  • nei
  • nej
  • "" (leaving it empty)

User Defined Fields / UDFs / UDEFs

User Defined Fields are selectable when defining the fields within DataBridge. The actual names are retrieved from your SuperOffice environment, so there is no doubt when selecting them from the drop-down list in the "Configure Fields" step.

Duplicate check: ​Duplicate checking can be done on user defined fields of type short text, number and long text

Depending on what data type is configured for the UDEF field (check the SuperOffice Admin for your environment), these specifications apply:

  • Number
    • Number
  • Short text
    • Up to 39 chars long
  • Long text
    • 40 to 200 chars long
  • Date (for dates 1970 - 2036)
    • Use as Long value like dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm (check the Destination Settings > Date Format option; more info)
  • Unlimited date (for dates 0001 - 9999)
    • Use as string value (identical to Date type UDEF) like dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm (check the Destination Settings > Date Format option; more info)
  • Checkbox
    • Use as 0, no, nee, false, nei, nej, "" (leave empty) for disabled
    • Use as 1, yes, ja, true, x, nye for enabled
  • Drop-down
    • Use the exact names/values as they are configured in the list (Check Destination settings > Advanced settings > "New Custom List Values" option
  • Decimal
    • Decimal value (double)


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Company: CountryStringNoNoNo
Company: NameStringYesYesNo
Company: DepartmentStringYesNoNo
Company: CodeStringYesNoNo
Company: IDIntYesNoNo
Company: NumberStringYesNoNo
Company: VAT NoStringYesNoNo
Company: StopBoolNoNoNo
Company: E-mailStringNoNoNo
Company: PhoneStringNoNoNo
Company: FaxStringNoNoNo
Company: Web siteStringNoNoNo
Company: CategoryStringNoNoYes
Company: BusinessStringNoNoYes
Company: Info (More info)StringNoNoNo
Company: No MailingsBoolNoNoNo
Company: Our contactStringNoNoYes
Company: Street addr., address line 1StringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., address line 2StringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., address line 3StringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., cityStringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., countyStringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., stateStringYesNoNo
Company: Street addr., zip codeStringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., address line 1StringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., address line 2StringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., address line 3StringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., cityStringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., countyStringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., stateStringYesNoNo
Company: Postal addr., zip codeStringYesNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Person: CountryStringNoNoNo
Person: IDIntYesNoNo
Person: Company IDIntNoNoNo
Person: First nameStringYesNoNo
Person: Middle nameStringNoNoNo
Person: Last nameStringYesYesNo
Person: TitleStringNoNoNo
Person: Academic titleStringNoNoNo
Person: BirthdateDateTimeNoNoNo
Person: Mr/MrsStringNoNoNo
Person: InfoStringNoNoNo
Person: CategoryStringNoNoYes
Person: BusinessStringNoNoYes
Person: NumberStringYesNoNo
Person: Former employeeBoolNoNoNo
Person: Use as mailing addressBoolNoNoNo
Person: No Mailings (Not available for SO 8.2 R01 and up)BoolNoNoNo
Person: E-marketingBoolNoNoNo
Person: PositionStringNoNoYes
Person: E-mailStringYesNoNo
Person: Direct phoneStringNoNoNo
Person: Mobile phoneStringNoNoNo
Person: Internet phoneStringNoNoNo
Person: Private phoneStringNoNoNo
Person: Direct faxStringNoNoNo
Person: ChatStringNoNoNo
Person: Web siteStringNoNoNo
Person: Our contactStringNoNoYes
Person: LanguageStringNoNoYes
Person: address line 1StringYesNoNo
Person: address line 2StringYesNoNo
Person: address line 3StringYesNoNo
Person: cityStringYesNoNo
Person: countyStringYesNoNo
Person: stateStringYesNoNo
Person: zip codeStringYesNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Sale: IDIntYesNoNo
Sale: Company IDIntNoNoNo
Sale: Person IDIntNoNoNo
Sale: Project IDIntNoNoNo
Sale: HeadingStringYesYesNo
Sale: NumberStringYesNoNo
Sale: AmountDecimalNoNoNo
Sale: StageStringNoNoYes
Sale: Probability as %IntNoNoNo
Sale: ProfitDecimalNoNoNo
Sale: Profit as %DecimalNoNoNo
Sale: CompletedBoolNoNoNo
Sale: Sale dateDateTimeNoYesNo
Sale: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Sale: Note (More info)StringNoNoNo
Sale: OwnerStringNoNoYes
Sale: Sale typeStringNoNoYes
Sale: SourceStringNoNoYes
Sale: CompetitorStringNoNoYes
Sale: CreditedStringNoNoYes
Sale: CurrencyStringNoNoYes
Sale: Reason lostStringNoNoYes
Sale: Reason soldStringNoNoYes
Sale: Reason stalledStringNoNoYes
Sale: RegisteredDateTimeNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Project: NameStringYesYesNo
Project: NumberStringYesNoNo
Project: IDIntYesNoNo
Project: CompletedBoolNoNoNo
Project: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Project: Note (More info)StringNoNoNo
Project: End dateDateTimeNoNoNo
Project: Web siteStringNoNoNo
Project: ResponsibleStringNoYesYes
Project: TypeStringNoNoYes
Project: StatusStringNoNoYes
Project: RegisteredDateTimeNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Appointment: OwnerStringNoYesYes
Appointment: StartDateTimeNoYesNo
Appointment: EndDateTimeNoNoNo
Appointment: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Appointment: LocationStringNoNoNo
Appointment: IDIntYesNoNo
Appointment: All dayBoolNoNoNo
Appointment: CompletedBoolNoNoNo
Appointment: Is freeBoolNoNoNo
Appointment: Is taskBoolNoNoNo
Appointment: Has alarmBoolNoNoNo
Appointment: Alarm lead time (min.)IntNoNoNo
Appointment: Company IDIntNoNoNo
Appointment: Person IDIntNoNoNo
Appointment: Project IDIntNoNoNo
Appointment: Sale IDIntNoNoNo
Appointment: Task typeStringNoNoYes
Appointment: PriorityStringNoNoYes

Project member

Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Project member: Person IDIntYesNoNo
Project member: Project IDIntYesNoNo
Project member: CommentStringNoNoNo
Project member: -Helper-StringNoNoNo
Project member: FunctionStringNoNoYes


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Stakeholder: Company IDIntYesNoNo
Stakeholder: Person IDIntYesNoNo
Stakeholder: Sale IDIntYesNoNo
Stakeholder: CommentStringNoNoNo
Stakeholder: -Helper-StringNoNoNo
Stakeholder: Sales roleStringNoNoYes


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Product: Price list IDStringNoNoNo
Product: Include in price listBoolNoNoNo
Product: Product keyStringYesNoNo
Product: IDIntYesNoNo
Product: CodeStringYesNoNo
Product: NameStringYesNoNo
Product: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Product: Price unitStringNoNoNo
Product: List priceDecimalNoNoNo
Product: Unit minimum priceDecimalNoNoNo
Product: Unit costDecimalNoNoNo
Product: SubscriptionBoolNoNoNo
Product: Subscription unitStringNoNoNo
Product: Default subscription quantityDecimalNoNoNo
Product: Product categoryStringNoNoNo
Product: Product familyStringNoNoNo
Product: Product typeStringNoNoNo
Product: Company ID SupplierStringNoNoNo
Product: Supplier's codeStringNoNoNo
Product: VAT infoStringNoNoNo
Product: VATDecimalNoNoNo
Product: Item numberStringYesNoNo
Product: Web addressStringNoNoNo
Product: Extra field 1StringNoNoNo
Product: Extra field 2StringNoNoNo
Product: Extra field 3StringNoNoNo
Product: Extra field 4StringNoNoNo
Product: Extra field 5StringNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Price list: IDIntYesNoNo
Price list: Price list ERP keyStringYesNoNo
Price list: NameStringYesYesNo
Price list: CurrencyStringNoYesYes
Price list: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Price list: ActiveBoolNoNoNo
Price list: Valid fromDateTimeNoNoNo
Price list: Valid toDateTimeNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs RequiredIs List
Quote: Alternative nameStringNoNoNo
Quote: ERP quote keyStringNoNoNo
Quote: ERP version keyStringYesNoNo
Quote: ERP alternative keyStringNoNoNo
Quote: Version descriptionStringNoNoNo
Quote: ERP order keyStringNoNoNo
Quote: Order commentStringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery termsStringNoNoYes
Quote: Delivery typeStringNoNoYes
Quote: ERP discount %DecimalNoNoNo
Quote: ERP discountDecimalNoNoNo
Quote: Expiry dateDateTimeNoNoNo
Quote: NumberStringNoNoNo
Quote: P.O. NumberStringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment termsStringNoNoYes
Quote: Payment typeStringNoNoYes
Quote: Version rankIntYesNoNo
Quote: StateStringNoNoYes
Quote: Sent dateDateTimeNoNoNo
Quote: VAT InfoStringNoNoNo
Quote: Approved byStringNoNoYes
Quote: Approved textStringNoNoNo
Quote: Approval registeredDateTimeNoNoNo
Quote: Approval registered byStringNoNoYes
Quote: Favourite alternativeBoolNoNoNo
Quote: Sale IDIntYesNoNo
Quote: Payment countryStringNoNoYes
Quote: Delivery countryStringNoNoYes
Quote: Payment addr., address line 1StringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., address line 2StringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., address line 3StringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., cityStringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., countyStringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., stateStringNoNoNo
Quote: Payment addr., zip codeStringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., address line 1StringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., address line 2StringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., address line 3StringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., cityStringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., countyStringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., stateStringNoNoNo
Quote: Delivery addr., zip codeStringNoNoNo

Quote line

Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs requiredIs List
Quote line: CodeStringNoNoNo
Quote line: NameStringNoNoNo
Quote line: DescriptionStringNoNoNo
Quote line: UnitStringNoNoNo
Quote line: Price unitStringNoNoNo
Quote line: List priceDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: Unit Minimum PriceDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: CostDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: QuantityDecimalYesNoNo
Quote line: SubscriptionBoolNoNoNo
Quote line: Subscription unitStringNoNoNo
Quote line: Subscription quantityDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: Delivered quantityDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: System discount %DecimalYesNoNo
Quote line: System discountDecimalYesNoNo
Quote line: Product categoryStringNoNoYes
Quote line: Product familyStringNoNoYes
Quote line: Product typeStringNoNoYes
Quote line: SupplierStringNoNoNo
Quote line: Supplier's codeStringNoNoNo
Quote line: VAT infoStringNoNoNo
Quote line: VATDecimalNoNoNo
Quote line: Item numberStringNoNoNo
Quote line: Start dateDateTimeNoNoNo
Quote line: Web addressStringNoNoNo
Quote line: Extra field 1StringNoNoNo
Quote line: Extra field 2StringNoNoNo
Quote line: Extra field 3StringNoNoNo
Quote line: Extra field 4StringNoNoNo
Quote line: Extra field 5StringNoNoNo
Quote line: RankIntNoNoNo
Quote line: ERP quote line keyStringYesNoNo
Quote line: Quote IDIntNoNoNo
Quote line: Product IDIntYesNoNo
Quote line: -Helper-StringNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs requiredIs List
Request: IDIntYesNoNo
Request: Person IDIntNoNoNo
Request: TitleStringYesYesNo
Request: Access levelStringNoNoNo
Request: OriginStringNoNoNo
Request: CategoryStringNoNoYes
Request: OwnerStringNoNoYes
Request: PriorityStringNoNoYes
Request: StatusStringNoNoYes

Request message

Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs requiredIs List
Request message: IDIntYesNoNo
Request message: Request IDIntYesNoNo
Request message: BodyStringYesYesNo
Request message: Body (HTML)StringYesNoNo
Request message: Body is HTMLBoolNoNoNo
Request message: Access levelStringNoNoNo
Request message: Time spent (min.)IntNoNoNo
Request message: Created atDateTimeNoNoNo
Request message: AuthorStringNoNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs requiredIs List
Document: OwnerStringNoNoYes
Document: DateDateTimeNoNoNo
Document: SubjectStringNoNoNo
Document: TextStringNoNoNo
Document: IDIntYesNoNo
Document: CompletedBoolNoNoNo
Document: Company IDIntNoNoNo
Document: Person IDIntNoNoNo
Document: Project IDIntNoNoNo
Document: Sale IDIntNoNoNo
Document: Document templateStringNoNoYes
Document: Our referenceStringYesNoNo
Document: Your referenceStringYesNoNo


Field name in DataBridgeData typeCan be used for duplicate checkIs requiredIs List
Currency: NameStringYesNoNo
Currency: RateDecimalNoNoNo
Currency: IDIntYesNoNo

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