Synchronize participants

Synchronize participants


In this article, we describe how to synchronize participants from an appointment in SuperOffice to your external system or from your external system to SuperOffice


The following prerequisites are required before you follow the steps below.

  1. A (demo) subscription of Synchronizer. Subscriptions are handled by SuperOffice, please contact your SuperOffice contact or partner. To sign up, follow this URL: Synchronizer Sign Up
  2. A SuperOffice CRM login name with administrator rights

Configure Synchronizer

  1. Login into SuperOffice CRM
  2. Login into the Synchronizer
  3. Go to Manage Profile Customize Systems

Synchronize Participants from SuperOffice to External system

  1. Click Show Settings next to SuperOffice CRM
  2. Scroll down to the Other section
  3. Set the slider to Yes for the option Add participant details in text

  4. Save

When you create an appointment in SuperOffice, the participants will now be shown in the body text of the appointment in your external system

Synchronize Participants from your External system to SuperOffice

  1. Click Show Settings next to your External system (Microsoft 365, Exchange, Google)
  2. Scroll down to the Synchronization Settings section
  3. Set the slider to Yes for the option Add participant details in text

  4. Save

When you create an appointment in your external system, the participants will now be shown in the body text of the appointment in SuperOffice